Web & Interactive

Black Salt - Website, Crowdfunding, Online Advertising

John Valera, signed on to help help Owen Ratliff and co-creator Brian Robinson in 2013-2014 to help in various stage of the pre-development process for the film adaptation of his comic book series Black Salt cenetered around an African American comic book hero armed with ancient Shoalin Martial Arts training. John was tasked to play various roles in marketing, web development and video production. His efforts in assembling an two Indiegogo crowd funding campaigns helped garner 150% of the funds required to complete a short film and the 6 comic books and graphic novel. The short film is used as a marketing tool to send to the major Hollywood studios to produce the full length live action feature. John also one of the principal video editors creating a series of weekly and daily video updates embeded on the website, Indiegogo page and other social media channels. 

Web Development

Phase 1 - Crowd Funding / Investor Website

John first created a simple website which worked in tandem with an Indiegogo page to present information to investors and crowd-funding-fans such as casting and updates throughout the development process.



Video Production

Here are some of the video John Valera scripted and edited to be presented on social media, the website and the Indiegogo crowd funding page to generate excitement and advise the fans of the progress throughout the crowd funding process.


Black Salt in 60 Seconds 
Promo Video

Here's a 60 second look inside the world of Black Salt which John Valera created to give viewers an inside look on the franchise. This package was also part of the main Indiegogo pitch for the second campaign. 


Comic Book Teaser
Promo Video

John Valera created a teaser for the Black Salt comic book series which is the source for the upcoming short film and trilogy. This was one of the first videos for the Black Salt franchise.


Thanks from Ben Ramsey
Crowd Funding Update Vlog

John Valera teaming up with Hollywood director of Dragon Ballz and Blood and Bone Fame, Ben Ramsey wrote the script to thank Black Salt fans who contributed to the successful Indiegogo campaign created by John. 


Banner Advertising

John also created various banner advertisements instrumental in the crowdfunding intitiatives for Black Salt for various high traffic websites such as World Wide Dojo.

BSALT-IGG 768x90

768x90 Banner Ad

BSALT-IGG 468x60

468x60 Banner Ad 

BSALT-IGG 300x250 2

300x250 Banner Ad


Social Media

John Maintained a high level of consistency and attention-to-detail throughout all projects for Black Salt. We set up and enhanced the Black Salt's campaign and created the strategy to leverage Black Salt's presense on sites like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter maintaining Black Salt's brand accross the unique characteristics and constraints of each social platform.


Crowdfunding Through Indiegogo

John was brought in halfway through the first Indiegogo campaign. John's job was simple... format the page so that it is visually apealing. The formatting helped raise $1,007 just shy of $5,500 goal to progress the comic book series further. Two years later, the second campaign was a different story. We leveraged all that we've learned in the first crowd funding effort and created an extensive marketing schedule, multiple videos in sync with various campaign milestones, a dedicated pitch video and leveraged social media further. We reached 80% of the $10,000 goal and surpassed a few weeks later with a final total of $16,327 by the close of a 60 day campaign to produce the short film which will solidify investor involvement in the full length featuer film series.



Dublin, OH 43016

Email: johnvalera@gmail.com

Phone: +1 (614) 602-1137