Denise Otten, the author of Curing Courtney, a successful financial consultant and former writer at CNBC turned to John Valera to design and develop an online communication presense to connect to the fans through videos, audio interviews, blogs and other media. This is the second website that John Valera has designed and built for Denise Otten & Curing Courtney.
The new website adds:
- A better layout for the news & media
- A prominant way to showcase reader testimonials and expert praise from medical professionals and doctors
- E-commerce system to sell the vitamins, minerals and supliments
- Better communication and social media integration.
- A responsive layout for finger friendly browsing and compatibility accross tablets, smartphones and computer screens.
Note: Although the website is live, it has since been takenover by another site administrator and migrated to another platform thus does not conform to the John Valera standards. You may visit at